Enhance your wellbeing
with AI
Olemme omistautuneita varmistamaan, että mittaamme työpaikan hyvinvointia tehokkaimmalla ja tarkimmalla mahdollisella tavalla. Toteutamme hyvinvoinnin seurantaa wellbeing.ai -sovelluksen kautta. Sovellus mittaa reaaliaikaisesti työntekijöiden hyvinvointia muun muassa neljän keskeisen muuttujan kautta.
Onnellisempi työyhteisö on sekä kilpailuetu että voimavara.
Siinä missä perinteiset
työhyvinvointikyselyt ja pulssit antavat näkymän
työhyvinvointiin vain yhdessä hetkessä, Happy mind AI
tarjoaa reaaliaikaista dataa ja analyysin siitä,
miten organisaatiossa oikeasti voidaan.
Happy mind AI:n avulla esimerkiksi työuupumuksen
merkit huomataan riittävän ajoissa.
What data is collected?

Emotional Face Analysis: Captures emotional expressions and landmarks through webcam or phone cam during sessions.
Eye Tracking data: Captures attention through webcam or phone cam when looking at materials (i.e.reports).
Self-reported data: through standardized scientific questionnaires that measure wellbeing and its various elements at work, for comparison with the biometric measurements.
Emotional Voice Analysis: Captures emotional voice fluctuations through a device microphone (online or by phone). Upcoming!
Wearables: Other data collection tools such GSR and EEG will be included Upcoming!
Behavioural HR Data: pulling in HR related data such as resignations, sick leaves, performance, promotions, etc., will feed our system to provide accurate insights to help organizations driving towards a successful wellbeing strategy at work.
How does Wellbeing.ai measure wellbeing?
Using groundbreaking cutting edge eyetracking and face coding analysis tech. The concept consists of a user switching on wellbeing.ai during exerting tasks at work, therefore the scores can reflect the related wellbeing scores and give insights about
the task’s performance.
Research indicates that existing health and wellness programs are not meeting expectations, with a significant 77% of employees expressing dissatisfaction with the access to relevant benefits provided by their companies. Even among employees who are content with their company's benefits, only half of them receive the necessary emotional support to effectively cope with daily stress in the workplace.

Promoting Wellbeing at Work: Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement
At Happy mind ai, we are dedicated to ensuring that we measure workplace wellbeing in the most effective and accurate way possible. As part of our commitment to excellence, we continuously test and refine our methodologies to provide a truly unique solution in the world of wellbeing assessment. Through our certified partner, we conduct ongoing tests, collect valuable data, and enhance our calculation models to deliver an unparalleled experience for our users, enabling them to enhance their wellbeing at work.
Unlocking the Process: How Wellbeing.ai Works
Wellbeing.ai measures four key variables Burnout, Anxiety, Engagement and Enjoyment as well as a composite wellbeing score. It collects data through an employees workstation in real-time by using their microphone or webcam. But camera doesn´t record videos! It only takes images of your face´s features. The collected data is then analyzed and provided individually to each employee
with a user-friendly interface, helping them self-supervise their performance and metrics. The employer can also access the aggregate and anonymized data of the group’s performance, with analytical options that provide comparisons between job positions, teams, projects, and business units.